
June 2, 2014

Transfer your 8mm Films/ Home Movies to DVD Bluray before it's too late... San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose

8mm film, Super 8 and 16mm film is rapidly deteriorating and fading fast... Don't let your memories fade away! Have them scanned frame by frame in High Definition to Bluray or DVD before it's too late. 

Transfer your 8mm Films Before it's Too Late!

Here at AV Workshop in Redwood City, CA we see a lot of peoples 8mm, Super8 and 16mm home movies come in that has developed mold or vinegar syndrome. As a result, the films can curl, warp, loose color and clarity and inevitably become nontransferable. Thus, we urge people to have their (family treasures) 8mm home movies scanned as soon as possible in high definition. With the emergence of HDTVs and High Definition, there has never been a better time to have your film digitized. 8mm and Super 8 film has approx 900 lines of resolution which lends itself 1080HD. Furthermore, film is progressive and so are HDTVs (unlike interlaced 4x3 tube TVs). Therefore, scanning your super8 films frame by frame in High Definition onto a Bluray allows you to view your films as they were meant to be seen.

AV Workshop scans peoples films locally in Redwood City of the San Francisco Bay Area. Using the Sniper HD Film Scanning systems they are able to capture all the detail of the original films. Furthermore, they offer Color Correction with their Enhanced option which improves the quality and clarity of your films. AV Workshop is a small business and has been located in Redwood City for over 25yrs. Bring your films into AV Workshop and Back to Life Today!

AV Workshop
703 Woodside Road, Suite 8
Redwood City, CA 94061